trash Mapping
How have we classified and named the utility of objects, and when do we decide to call an object trash?
We live in an era where species extinction, global warming, and the alteration of the planet's natural processes have reached a point where scientists and academics consider defining this new geological era as the Anthropocene. For the past 10,000 years, human activities (agriculture, livestock farming, mining, and industries) have radically transformed the planet. The extent of our impact is so diverse that it has practically altered every corner of the complex system of life.
This compendium of concepts, theories, aesthetics, and design methodologies seeks to understand how humanity relates to objects and what impact we have had on our environment by inventing the concept of trash. In this journey of interconnections, we deconstruct and rethink the concept of trash, waste, and refuse to rename matter from its potential for life rather than from its disregard.
Like a map with no beginning or end, where the reader encounters a complex system where trash is the protagonist, various possible readings are interwoven as in Cortazar's "Rayuela" to open the dialogue on new ways to conceive and rename the material resources of planet Earth.
An open map to re-trace, re-imagine, re-signify, re-design, and re-interpret the concept of trash.